What Is The Knowledge Management Magazine?

There is a website on the internet that is called Inside Knowledge and it is a website dedicated to knowledge management. They have the website that has a multitude of information and they also put out a knowledge management magazine for subscribers that is full of information. Each issue of the knowledge management magazine helps to provide individuals and businesses with topics such as learning from the mistakes and success stories of others, lowering business costs and increasing productivity across their organization.

Other types of topics that they have are helping the businesses ensure ongoing professional development of themselves and their colleagues and keeping on top of industry developments, new techniques and tools. When a person or business subscribes to the knowledge management magazine, they will receive 10 issues a year with at least 6 case studies for them to read and learn ideas from or learn the mistakes that were made. They will also get news coverage, opinions and analysis of knowledge management.

This knowledge management magazine took the initiative to take a process and put it down on paper in order to help other people. They themselves are working the knowledge management process by sharing all of their knowledge. On the website and throughout the knowledge management magazine, there are such topics to look further into including business intelligence, collaboration, competitive intelligence, communities of practice, CRM, culture, e-learning, enterprise content management, enterprise search, intranets, portals, taxonomies, news and events.

As a subscriber of the knowledge management magazine, you can also get signed up for there weekly newsletter that will come to your email box with even more information on knowledge management and recent events that might have occurred in the business industry. They also have several resources in order to find out more information such as a case study archive, a bookshop, the e-newsletter, and a link to another website called AOK which is the Association of Knowledgework. This was created by a man who believed that knowledge workers should have their own association as do carpet layers, or stock brokers, or accountants. He gives a lot of information on his website with a large database of discussions.

There are several other knowledge management magazine websites that striving to get the word around that if everyone integrates this type of management within their business, then everyone will win because everybody holds some sort of knowledge within them that they may or may not know about and the implementation of that knowledge is what gets us ahead.

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